My Cancer Healing Journey

In April of 2021 I discovered a lump in my breast; by May of 2021 I was diagnosed with bi-lateral, hormone positive, invasive breast cancer. The prescribed treatment was mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation and hormone suppressing medication for 5 years.

I reached out to friends who had supported their bodies to heal from cancer through holistic treatments addressing the root causes of cancer. And I saw that far from my body betraying me, the cancer was here to offer me a transformational journey.

I chose to decline the prescribed allopathic treatments and set out on a voyage of deep healing and discovery. It was a journey that asked for great faith and courage. I met many amazing and dedicated practitioners and people along the way. By April 2022 I was clear of cancer.

Many people, recently diagnosed with cancer, approach me to learn more about my experience. During my year of deep healing I wrote poems and created images to process, support and illuminate my way. I decided to create this page to share them as a resource for others.

This is a page in progress. I will post the first poem and add others in chronological order as I am able.

With much love,


It’s a new day for healing

Just when you thought
The healing was done
Just when you felt
The ground beneath
Your feet
For the first time
In decades
Just when you were
Starting to blossom
To dare to break through
The old ways
Finding your breath
And your confidence

Just then
When your lungs expanded
With the brilliance of divine light
And you knew you were whole

That’s when
Your soul
“Oh I see you’re ready for more!”
And presented you with
A bigger challenge
Than all the rest

A journey so deep
So close to life and death
That all the unresolved traumas
In you
Rose to the surface
Screaming to be heard
“See me! Look here!”
And you turned in horror
At what monster had crept
Out from under your carpet
Where you walk

And you saw there is no
Avoiding or side stepping this one
It’s the ultimate journey
You are offered now
The biggest upgrade of your life
Soul says “You are ready now”

And you run screaming, yelling
In your panic and your fear
“You’ve got the wrong fucking person!”
And you wail and howl
Bang your fists until they bleed
Knuckles ruptured and dripping
Blood on your carpet

But there’s nowhere to run
You are trapped, cornered
By life itself
And as you feel the terror
That rises in you
You know
That this is the way
Even though it is the last path
You would ever choose

You begin to realise
That surrender is your only reasonable
Course of action
For you discover
All other routes lead to hell

And so here you are
Being asked to trust
Even now
Asked to turn to the love
That you are
Asked to dismantle
The illusions that have held
You captive for lifetimes

You see that this IS for you
Soul says “You’re welcome!”